Rancho Cordova Little League center badge

Rancho Cordova Little League Sponsor Information



The Rancho Cordova Little League (RCLL) is seeking 2024 season sponsorship from businesses, community members and/or league families. 2024 is our 70th season with little league baseball and we are looking forward to another great year.

RCLL is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and is run by volunteers who donate their time and energy to provide a safe and fun program for over 630 boys and girls ages 4 and up living in Rancho Cordova, Gold River, Mather, Anatolia and parts of Sacramento.

Sponsorship helps offset league operating costs including but not limited to: field maintenance, equipment and supplies, player scholarships and more.

We have several levels of sponsorship for our 2024 season. Some levels include as much as naming a field after your business for 1 year, sponsoring of our annual Monte Carlo night and multiple other benefits. It would be great to have your business as a sponsor for our organization and be able to get your business name out to our members and local community.

We recognize that in our current economy everyone that wants to help may not be able to write a check. We also accept trade sponsorships in terms of food and beverage donations that we can use as fundraisers and gift cards or equipment that we can raffle off at events. We can also use specific trade like DJ services for events, work labor, printing service, food for our annual picnic or equipment rental donations for field improvements or league events.

We are asking for commitments as soon as possible but no later than 2/1/2024. Sponsorships may be paid after the date if needed and can be paid in 2023 if you desire for tax purposes.

Your donations are tax deductible. Thank your for your time and we hope to hear from you soon. 

Dominic Mora, Sponsorship Coordinator

(916) 200-9828


Jaime Caraveo, Co-Sponsorship Coordinator



Cassie Reyes, President 



Click BELOW to view our 2024 Sponsor levels

RCLL 2024 Sponsorship Levels.pdf

Click BELOW to view our 2024 Sponsor set up form

RCLL Sponsorship Set up form.pdf